Camila Valim

Camila Valim #1

Meet Camila

I would like to introduce myself: my name is Camila, Brazilian, second child of three, married with Erick and mother of two cats (Christopher and Dave). I could just tell you that in high school I was the highlight of my class (something like Dean List in Canada), that I have participated in a Math competition and guaranteed my school a position in the top five in the state, that I graduated in Financial Management while worked full time to pay it,  that I have learned English in 18 months or that I worked in a technology company and was rewarded twice due to my performance and professionalism. However, this is just boring stuff to get your attention because I'm really good in whatever I genuinely want.

My life is based in achievements because I am a focused person. My focus, truly, is my family. Everything I do is for them. I came to Canada with my husband to have a better life and to guarantee a better life for our children (not even born) and for my family who are in Brazil. My parents taught me that the most important thing in our lives is family and I agree with that. I came to Canada to study Accounting, become a successful accountant, and earn a lot of money to guarantee them a good life, especially my parent's retirement. This is my plan.

Well, since we explained my motivation to came to Canada and what driven me, I would like to talk a little bit about personal things. I am afraid of spiders (really) no matter size, colour, or gender; I love manga (Japanese comics) having a collection in Brazil and I draw as well (creating stories etc.); my favourite movie is Jurassic Park and I have the movie in Blu-ray (just in case Netflix remove it); when I was a kid, I sold my drawings and I could do a personalized one for you just for R$ 1,00; I hate garlic, it is like my kryptonite (heartburn); I first met my husband in an app, but both thought that it would be a short love story. Here we are, married, with two cats, talking about having children and a dog in a big house; Erick is just unbelievable amazing, wonderful, handsome man (I think that is the best definition); I cook just to survive, Erick is the real cook; my nickname for my family is IMF (International Monetary Fund) because I am the bank you run if the others are broken.

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