Linda Yao

Lijuan Yao #1

Meet Linda

Linda is from Peking, China. She has more than twenty years of work experience in physiology research. She spent 3 years at the Chinese Academy of Sciences to complete her Ph.D. and later returned to work there for 4 more years. She worked at UIUC for 4 years as a postdoctoral researcher, and at the University of Kentucky for half a year. Never one to back down from a challenge, she recently switched careers to study accounting. After obtaining her accounting diploma, she worked as a bookkeeper for 4 years in a local law firm. She is now in school to obtain her accounting degree. 

In her spare time, Linda enjoys gardening and running 5K. Shortly after she landed in Canada, she volunteered at the London Health Sciences Centre as a research assistant. She was also a volunteer as a tax preparer in CVITP (Community Volunteer Income Tax Program) to prepare tax returns for Fanshawe College students. She is currently a volunteer timer and turn & stroke judge in her son’s swimming club (London Aquatic Club). Linda has two children — a daughter who is interested in pursuing law school and a son, in Grade 7, who is very good at swimming. 

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